About Resume Writing Don’ts: 10 Things You Should Never Include On Your Resume

  • Personal Information: Avoid including personal details such as your social security number, marital status, religion, or age. These details are not relevant to your qualifications for the job.

  • Irrelevant Work Experience: Only include work experience that is directly relevant to the job you’re applying for. Including unrelated jobs can clutter your resume and divert attention from your relevant skills.

  • Unprofessional Email Addresses: Use a professional email address for communication. Avoid using email addresses with nicknames or inappropriate terms.

  • Objective Statements: Objective statements have become less common in modern resumes. Instead, focus on a summary or qualifications section that highlights your skills and experience.

  • References: It’s not necessary to list references directly on your resume. Instead, you can provide them upon request if the employer asks for them.

  • Unexplained Gaps in Employment: If you have gaps in your employment history, try to explain them briefly in your cover letter. Your resume should emphasize your skills and achievements.

  • Salary History or Expectations: Do not include your salary history or salary expectations on your resume. These discussions are typically held during the interview or negotiation phase.

  • Negative Language: Keep your resume positive and focused on your accomplishments. Avoid negative language about past employers or experiences.

  • Unrelated Hobbies: While it’s fine to showcase hobbies that are relevant to the job (e.g., volunteering related to the industry), avoid listing hobbies that aren’t pertinent to the role.

  • Spelling and Grammar Mistakes: Your resume should be free from errors. Proofread it carefully or ask someone else to review it before submitting.

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